
African Trade Team Learns About U.S. Soy During Indiana Farm Visit, Conference

Sep 08, 2016


A U.S. soybean farmer delegation visits the Food Technology Institute, Senegal to learn how a mini extruder could work in the future to process local grains with U.S. soybeans to create a protein fortified food in the Senegalese market. From Left to right: Levi Huffman, WISHH/IN; Josh Neiderman, ASA/WISHH staff; Bob Haselwood, USB/KS; E.L. Reed, WISHH/ASA; Stan Born, WISHH/IL and Dr. Traore, branch chief, Cereals and Pulses.

Last week, an American Soybean Association’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (ASA/WISHH) Africa trade team participated in a farm visit organized by the Indiana Soybean Alliance at the conclusion of a busy week at the Global Trade Exchange in Indianapolis.

The trade team traveled to Dakar, Senegal the following day, to attend the ASA/WISHH organized Africa-USA Trade, Food Technology and Nutrition Conference, which was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The conference attendees consisted of representatives from multiple cooperator groups including Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council, American Peanut Council, US Dry Bean Council and ASA.

In addition to the trade team and cooperator groups, several farmers traveled to Senegal to participate in the conference.

Farmer leaders in attendance included E.L. Reed (MO), Levi Huffman (IN), Stan Born (IL) and Bob Haselwood (KS). The conference agenda included discussions lead by U.S. and Senegalese government officials, and presentations from nutrition and food technology consultants.

The conference aims to promote trade in U.S. grown products between the U.S. and African nations, and serves as a platform for discussing important trade issues, institutional food programs and business opportunities.