
2014 ‘State of Food Insecurity in the World’ Report Released

Sep 18, 2014

This past week, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and World Food Programme (WFP) launched the 2014 edition of the “State of Food Insecurity in the World” (SOFI) report. The good news: the number of people in the world that are chronically malnourished has fallen by over 100 million people in the last 10 years, with 63 countries reaching the hunger target set by the first U.N. Millennium Development Goal (MDG). Those numbers are something to celebrate!

State of Food

But, as outlined in the summary report (found HERE), it is important to remember that there are still 805 million chronically undernourished people in the world. Latin America and the Caribbean have made the most progress so far to increase food security, thanks in part to the increased political commitment of the governments there. However, Africa and Asia still have not seen the necessary growth toward food security—with conflict and natural disasters to thank for its slower progression.

With that said, the world is still on track to achieve the hunger target of the first MDG of halving the number of malnourished people in developing countries by 2015. We could see a food secure world in our lifetime if this momentum continues, and the World Soy Foundation is proud to work toward that goal—developing programs and activities in those developing countries that are known to be critically impoverished and malnourished.

What would a food secure world look like? Let’s find out! Join us in being a part of the solution to hunger and malnutrition and give the gift of protein. Visit to learn more and give today.

You can also hear the webcast of the press conference presenting the report by clicking here.