Feb 14, 2019
A mandatory training is required for growers using dicamba or auxin-type products in their fields. Growers must participate in training before applying the following products in 2019.
In November 2018, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made enhancements to
Monsanto’s* XtendiMax® herbicide with VaporGrip® Technology, BASF’s Engenia® and DuPont’s FeXapan™ product label.
One update for these Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs), is to require the retail sale to and use only by Certified Applicators. The requirement for annual mandatory dicamba or auxin-specific training prior to applying these products in the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System continues to apply.
For detailed information about the updated Xtendimax label and other requirements, please click here: xtendimaxapplicationrequirements.com
Certain states require that an applicator complete training conducted by the state. Please check with your state pesticide regulatory agency for training and application requirements imposed by your state.
As of January 2019, if you are making an application in the following states, you must attend that state's mandatory training:
If the state where the application will be made does not require dicamba or auxin-specific training be conducted by the state, then the applicator must complete training provided by one of the registrants (BASF, DuPont or Monsanto) or by a state or state-authorized provider.
If you plan to apply in a state that does not require the training be provided by the state, Monsanto is providing training events to meet this requirement.
To find and register for a Monsanto-provided dicamba application requirements training event, click here. www.roundupreadyxtend.com/training
In order to receive your training completion certificate, you must be present for the entirety of the approximately 90-minute session.
Following the training, you will receive a completion certificate to demonstrate that you have satisfied this label requirement.
Check back often to find updated training event information.
* = Monsanto is a subsidiary of Bayer AG
BASF stewardship resources aid growers planning to use Engenia® herbicide by providing easy-to-access information on application best practices.
The digital resources, available here www.engeniastewardship.com, include access to training sessions and a mobile-friendly resource center. The mobile resource center contains a breakdown of the Engenia herbicide label, tools to help recognize a temperature inversion, a checklist of application requirements, video demonstrations and a record keeping form.
With training materials now available instantly, growers will have access to these important resources in the field, at home or on the go.