Nov 21, 2024
By Laura Temple
Ryan Frieders looks to science to improve sustainable practices on his family’s Illinois farm. He participates in multiple ecosystem services programs. Photo Credit: Illinois Soybean Association
Long-term conservation and sustainability are ingrained in U.S. agriculture. Our fields have been in production for generations.
Today, growing interest in agricultural solutions that address sustainability goals is translating into practical support for farmers as they change agronomic practices. These ecosystem services tie to benefits like improved soil health and water quality.
Interested in improving or adding filter strips? Reducing or eliminating tillage? Trying cover crops? Shifting marginal ground to wildlife habitat?
Chances are, there’s an incentive program for that.
“My family has been farming in northern Illinois near Chicago since 1851,” says Ryan Frieders, an ASA director from Waterman, Illinois. He raises soybeans, corn, hay and feeder cattle. “My parents emphasized protecting and improving the environment as they farmed. Then, my education inspired me to use science to improve what we do.”
With that mindset, Frieders actively looks for support to try different practices. He currently participates in multiple ecosystem services programs. They fall into three categories: government programs, those run by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and industry opportunities.
Farmers tend to be most familiar with programs offered through government agencies, especially the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Frieders’ ecosystem services journey started with USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program, which supports him taking less arable land out of production to plant native trees and pollinator habitats. Native filter strips on both sides of creeks running through his fields also qualify as CRP acres.
“Through CRP, we rebuild, reseed and care for our waterways to manage the heavy, 100-year rains we seem to get every couple years,” he says. “We farm in the Illinois River watershed and want to protect water quality.”
He also participated in an NRCS study on incorporating cover crops and strip tillage.
To successfully grow cover crops in northern Illinois, Frieders has seed flown into standing crops. That allows the cover crop to be established before harvest. Incentive programs help defray this cost.
Frieders explores more cover crops with the help of the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund, a group committed to improving water quality by reducing tillage and planting cover crops. Groups like SWOF are funded by USDA’s Climate Smart Initiative, which finances partnerships to support the production and marketing of “climate-smart commodities” through pilot projects lasting one to five years. This funding is helping farmers like Frieders shift from conservation tillage to no-till and add cover crops. 2024 marks Frieders’ third season of participation.
“Learning how to grow cover crops in northern Illinois presents new challenges,” he says. “They can be expensive because they need to be planted while the cash crop is still growing.”
Frieders reports that the cost of aerial seeding cover crop seed pencils out to a wash, or even a negative, with program payments. But he expects to see long-term improvements in soil health.
Frieders also has enrolled some acres in ADM re:generations™, which provides premiums for crops grown using specific practices like reduced tillage and cover crops. ADM sells these crops to specific customers needing to meet goals or comply with regulations like the European Union’s Deforestation Regulation.
ADM’s re:generations™ is just one example of industry partner programs.
“I look for programs that allow for options should something happen that requires us to manage crops in a way that goes against the program,” he says. “Because of the looming shadow of unpredictable weather, I prefer to sign contracts for one year at a time.”
ASA’s Farmer Forum concluded with industry roundtables where technical advisors from Bayer ForGround, Nutrien, the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund, Iowa Soybean Association, Farmers for Soil Health and Syngenta were available to talk about their programs and product offerings. Farmer attendees completed three 15-minute rotations to different tables.
As Frieders’ experience proves, many options exist.
“It’s hard to get to know all the programs available,” he says. “Building relationships and learning more helps me choose programs that fit our farm.”
To help farmers evaluate the available conservation incentive programs, ASA hosted a farmer forum in Iowa prior to the nearby 2024 Farm Progress Show. Attendees took a deep dive into conservation programs, consumer perspectives and how those factors influence farm-level decisions. They connected with organizations and ASA industry partners offering incentive programs, like Farmers for Soil Health, Soil and Water Outcomes Fund and others, to find the best options for their farms.
“I enjoy working with all my partners,” Frieders says. “I appreciate programs that encourage voluntary engagement. The incentives and technical support assist my long-term commitment to learning, trying and improving as I add or change practices.”