
Email Your Representatives on Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act This Week

Jul 20, 2015

This week is crunch time for the American Soybean Association (ASA)-backed voluntary GMO labeling bill. It is imperative that all ASA members contact your Representatives through Thursday this week and urge a yes vote on H.R. 1599, the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act.The bill is scheduled to come before the full House on Thursday, and we need every bit of support on this legislation that is so important to maintaining our ability to farm.

We have loaded up an email ready to send to each soy-state lawmaker in the House via the Soy Action Center here. This is very much an all-hands-on-deck effort, and what we need now is both targeted outreach from leaders in your state, as well as sheer numbers from rank-and-file members, so we ask that you place calls yourself, and forward this message to all members in your state to provide them with this link:

The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act, introduced by Reps. Pompeo of Kansas and Butterfield of North Carolina, would create a uniform, national system governing the premarket review and labeling of genetically engineered foods. As part of this system, the bill would:

  • Require developers of genetically engineered plants consult with FDA on all new plant varieties used for genetically engineered food before those foods are introduced into commerce
  • Uphold FDA’s authority to specify special labeling if it believes it is necessary to protect health and safety
  • Create a legal framework governing the use of label claims regarding either the absence of, or use of, genetically engineered food or food ingredients
  • Require FDA to establish standards for the use of the term ‘natural’ on food labels

Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, the bill enables those who wish to label their products as GMO-free to do so by through a USDA-accredited certification process. ASA believes this approach, which would label a select subset of products marketed at a premium, makes far more sense than labeling the vast majority of common, everyday products in the grocery store.

Attached to this email are materials for your reference from the Coalition for Safe and Affordable Food, of which ASA is a charter and steering committee member, including:

  • Coalition one-pager on 1599
  • Section-by-section of 1599
  • Copy of 1599
  • National support letter for HR 1599
  • WP editorial in support of our position
  • Articles from 12/2014 E&C Hearing – Useful for Democratic lawmakers
  • FDA testimony from 12/2014 E&C Hearing – Useful for members in need of information on safety

Again, we need both targeted outreach from your state leaders, as well as volume from farmers across each state. ASA will be sending this alert to all members tomorrow morning, except in those states where state affiliates have already done so. Please confirm receipt of this email, and inform ASA of your plan to connect with your lawmakers this week and urge a yes vote on the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act when it comes to the House floor for a vote.

Thank you for your work on this important issue!