Oct 16, 2017
Today shines a spotlight on something farmers’ think about every day of the year: safe, affordable food.
Globally, one in nine people suffer from hunger which is why the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has set a goal to reach #zerohunger by 2030, and US soy growers are doing their part to help achieve this goal.
Through sustainable farming practices, advanced technologies and an increasingly connected world, soy growers are growing more food on less land and reaching markets across the globe.
Additionally, organizations like the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) and the US Soybean Export Council (USSEC) play a vital role in helping open new markets for soy and improve health, nutrition and food security in emerging markets while building the US soy trade.
But ASA, WISHH, USSEC and other agriculture organizations can’t feed the world alone, that’s why we advocate for increased funding for infrastructure, a farm bill that provides a safety net for growers during bad years, investment in market access programs and environmental regulations based on science.
All of these elements help soy growers provide safe, affordable food throughout the year, and ASA and soy growers are proud to join the FAO in celebrating World Food Day and bring awareness to the work growers do to feed the world and see #zerohunger achieved by 2030.