
Only 1 Week Left to Sign Up and Be Counted for the Upcoming Census of Agriculture

Jun 22, 2017

For new and beginning farmers – who may have not filled out a Census before – this is your first opportunity to be counted and make your voices heard.

Currently, the census is the only complete count of U.S. farms and ranches and the people who operate them. It includes even the smallest plots of land – rural or urban – growing fruits, vegetables, or raising food animals, if $1,000 or more of such products were raised and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the census year. The information produced by the Census of Agriculture guides Congress, agribusiness, policymakers, researchers, local governments and many others on the creation and funding of agricultural programs and services – decisions that can directly impact your local operations and the future of the agriculture industry for years to come.

New farmers or existing farmers who have not participated in a prior Census of Agriculture still have time to sign up to be counted through June 30 here. The survey takes less than a minute – and will ensure that you receive a Census form (that you can fill out in paper form or online.)  If a farmer/rancher is not on our list frame by June 30, the producer will not have an opportunity to participate in the 2017 Census of Agriculture.

For more information about the census, please click here, follow NASS on Twitter @usda_nass, or call (800) 727-9540.