Jul 26, 2007
The American Soybean Association (ASA) and Plant Health Care, Inc. (PHC) are pleased to announce preliminary findings from the "N-Hibit™ Partnership" Field Trial Program. Growers on 140 farms in 22 states are participating in the program to evaluate N-Hibit as a tool to lower Soybean Cyst Nematode pressure and improve plant health.
"With an ever-growing global demand for soybeans, and the reduced number of soybean acres planted in the U.S. this year, we have to find ways to grow more soybeans on every acre planted," said ASA Vice President Rob Joslin, a soybean producer from Sidney, Ohio. "Improving plant health can help us grow more soybeans and improve our competitiveness in world markets."
Early results from 34 of the trial sites indicate the N-Hibit treated seed is producing greater root and plant weight, and more nodes per acre in 85 percent of the comparisons.
"Plant weights, including root weights, were 11 to 12 percent greater with N-Hibit-treated soybeans, implying that these plants have achieved better early season growth," said Dr. Ned French, PHC Director of Field Biology and Development. "N-Hibit treated soybeans are averaging 14 percent more nodes per acre, which suggests improved plant establishment (plants/acre) and early season growth (nodes/plant). More nodes per acre can be indicative of a higher potential yield."
Participating growers were provided a kit that included a coupon redeemable at local seed retailers to obtain enough N-Hibit Commercial Seed Treatment to treat up to 2,500 pounds of soybean seed. Growers were asked to use 20 to 50 acres for the treated area and monitor an equivalent number of acres as an untreated control.
"Data from the remaining sites is being gathered and processed," Joslin said. "Final results of the trials will be announced after harvest."
The active ingredient in N-Hibit and other Harp-N-Tek™ products is harpin, which is derived from naturally occurring proteins. Harpin proteins bind with the plant’s external receptors present on the seed, as well as foliage. Harp-N-Tek products cause the plant to respond as though being attacked, and this process "switches" on the plant’s natural self-defense and growth systems resulting in pathogen tolerance and increased yields. Harpin proteins have an excellent safety profile, are easy to use, and are not restricted use materials; consequently, many worker safety issues commonly associated with the handling of conventional pesticides are avoided with harpins.