
ASA Announces New Communications Director

Dec 15, 2011

American Soybean Association (ASA) CEO Steve Censky announced today that Patrick Delaney has joined ASA as Communications Director, effective Dec. 15. Delaney is based in Washington, D.C. within ASA’s Washington Policy Representative Office of Gordley Associates.

"ASA is pleased to welcome Patrick to our team," Censky said. "His experience in ag policy communications will serve him well in his role with ASA, where he will craft timely communications on policy decisions and issues happening in Washington, as well as talking points and analysis to keep ASA’s farmer-leaders and state affiliates informed."

Delaney comes to ASA from the United Fresh Produce Association, where he managed staff, advised leadership and communicated to key audiences and stakeholders on all publicity matters, including advocacy and crisis communications on nutrition, labor, food safety, immigration, trade, sustainability and farm policy. He has worked in various public relations roles with agencies and the radio broadcast industry.

Delaney is from the Kansas City area. He has a bachelor’s degree in Persuasive and Political Communication from George Mason University and is working toward a master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communications from West Virginia University.

Bob Callanan, who has served as ASA Communications Director based in St. Louis, moves into a new position as ASA’s Project Development Director, where he’ll develop program concepts and proposals to be presented to state soybean affiliates, qualified state soybean boards, and industry partners.

Communications Coordinator Cassandra Langley will have an expanded role at ASA’s headquarters in St. Louis, assisting Delaney in the implementation of communications developed there.