Jul 26, 1999
The American Soybean Association (ASA) is pleased to announce that American Cyanamid and Stine Seed Company will sponsor the Association’s year 2000 membership recruitment campaign.
ASA Membership Chairman Roger Hadley, a soybean, corn and wheat producer from Woodburn, Indiana, said, "ASA is fortunate to have two fine agribusiness companies committed to sponsoring our national membership program. Membership is the life’s blood of our association, and is critical to our representation of farmers’ interests in Washington."
Steve Shell, vice president of sales for Cyanamid’s U.S. crop protection products business, said, "Cyanamid has been a long-time supporter of the American Soybean Association. This partnership with Stine is another opportunity to keep this grower-based association strong."
Harry Stine, president of Stine Seed Company, said, The ASA has always been an outstanding platform for representing grower’s needs. We are very pleased that the individual strengths of Stine Seed Company and Cyanamid are being brought together to continue to help provide growers with a voice."
The agreement between Cyanamid and Stine is designed to provide a broad-based funding platform for the ASA. The American Soybean Association, a grower-based commodity association, was organized by soybean growers in 1925 to provide growers with a stronger presence locally, and at the national and international levels.
American Cyanamid is the third largest U.S. crop protection products company and a leading global developer and marketer of crop protection products for agriculture, specialty and consumer markets. It is a subsidiary of American Home Products Corporation, one of the world’s largest research-based pharmaceutical and health care products companies.
Stine Seed Company, headquartered near Adel, Iowa, is an industry leading seed company marketing seed for soybeans, corn, and soft red winter wheat. Stine is a leading source of genetics to the soybean industry.