
ASA Comments on Draft CFI Responsible Use of Gene Editing Framework

Mar 26, 2020

ASA recently filed comments on the Center for Food Integrity’s (CFI) draft responsible use guidelines for gene editing in agriculture, urging the coalition to seek perspective from ag groups, in addition to considering the burden the framework may place on research and developers.

ASA agrees that public trust in gene editing is essential for consumer acceptance, and while CFI states the technology is safe and low-risk, the draft guidelines are heavily focused on the safety of the products, which could inadvertently repeat or magnify other challenges that traditional biotechnology has faced for nearly 30 years.

ASA also states that the guidelines could provide a large burden for developers and academics, as has occurred with traditional biotechnology. In the comments, ASA expressed concern that this burden could prevent academics, small developers, and specialty and minor use crops from using the technology, which would erode public trust. Read the full letter.