
ASA Kudos this Week…Dennis Bogaards

Feb 18, 2016

Screenshot of Dennis Boggards Facebook post showing an aerial view of his farm using his new drone.

Screenshot of Dennis Boggards Facebook post showing an aerial view of his farm using his new drone.

Kudos goes to Dennis Bogaards, Pella, Iowa, for showing us the latest capabilities in drone
technology and how to incorporate it within your farm business.

The 3D image of your farm is awesome! Thank you for keeping us up-to-date on the latest technology available for farmers.

Way to go Dennis!

Dennis Bogaards is a former ASA Director from Iowa. His family farm consists of 450 acres of soybeans and 550 acres of other crops. They also sell ag technology equipment. Dennis has a degree in mechanics and is passionate about telling the story of ag and conveying positive messages about Genetically Modified Organisms.

To stay up to date on what Dennis is up to and connect with him via Twitter @dbogfarm and Facebook: Flying The Farm.