Jul 16, 2002
The Board of Directors of the American Soybean Association (ASA) this week approved a resolution expressing strong support of the Doha World Trade Organization (WTO) Round’s Agriculture Declaration to achieve substantial improvements in market access, the phase-out and elimination of export subsidies, and substantial reductions in trade-distorting domestic support. The trade talks were launched in November 2001, in Doha, Qatar.
"ASA is urging U.S. trade negotiators to pursue a comprehensive agreement that will level the playing field for U.S. farmers and ranchers," said ASA President Dwain Ford, a soybean producer from Kinmundy, Ill.
ASA is calling for an agreement that would:
"The prosperity of U.S. soybean growers is tied to continued worldwide income and demand growth that can be spurred by trade liberalization and market access gains," Ford said.