
ASA Supports Universal Broadband Act

Sep 03, 2020

ASA continues to advocate for rural broadband access to support a soy grower’s ability to farm, find markets for and transport beans as agriculture becomes an increasingly more technology-driven sector. As part of this ongoing larger effort, this week ASA endorsed the Universal Broadband Act of 2020.

Reps. Collin Peterson (D-MN) and Don Young (R-AK) introduced the bipartisan legislation in May to expand the Universal Service Fund (USF) base to include broadband services to raise more revenue for FCC-supported broadband deployment in rural areas.

The Act seeks to expand on the successes of the USF and stabilize the current revenue stream of Universal Service programs, including the Connect America Fund for rural areas.

To stabilize the revenue stream, the bill would expand the pool of eligible providers that can contribute to the USF, including broadband services. The bill would also:

  • Seek to expand on the successes of the USF and stabilize the current revenue stream of Universal Service programs, including the Connect America Fund for rural areas.
  • Codify broadband within the definition of Universal Service
  • Require the FCC to set the contribution rate as needed to meet Universal Service goals.
  • Require consultation among the USDA’s Rural Utility Service, Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and the FCC.
  • Establish reporting requirements that provide oversight on FCC broadband build out.

ASA joins various other ag groups endorsing the bill, including NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association; Association of Equipment Manufacturers; American Farm Bureau Federation; National Farmers Union; National Association of State Departments of Agriculture and more. Learn more about the Universal Broadband Act here.