Mar 08, 2005
The American Soybean Association (ASA) and more than 200 farm organizations urged the United States Congress to support the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 in a letter delivered today to Congressional budget writers.
Signatories of the letter state that, "The new farm law represents a delicate balance by effectively addressing the stability of our agricultural production base, protecting our important natural resources and enhancing nutrition and food assistance programs for our citizens. The careful allocation of resources evidenced by the new law should not be upset."
The letter also emphasizes the important role agricultural programs play in rural America, stating, "The mandatory programs administered by the Department of Agriculture, which include commodity, conservation, crop insurance, nutrition, forestry and other valuable programs, are of enormous importance to farmers, ranchers, rural businesses, low-income Americans and all our nation’s children."
"ASA asks that Congressional budget writers avoid taking actions that would unfairly hurt important agricultural programs," said ASA Chairman Ron Heck, a soybean grower from Perry, Iowa. "Farm programs are critically important to the U.S. economy, and agriculture should not be forced to take a disproportionate cut as Congress considers ways to reduce the federal deficit."
The budget, and other issues, will be stressed when the ASA makes its annual trip to Capitol Hill next week. "We look forward to communicating to Congress why continued federal investment in rural America is vital and why the current Farm Bill should not be revisited," concluded Heck.