
ASA WISHH Identifies New U.S. Soy Market Opportunities During USDA Trade Mission in West Africa

Oct 31, 2019

WISHH staff discuss hurdles and solutions to increasing trade with West Africa during a Business to Business meeting at the ATM.

ASA/WISHH and USSEC staff are in Accra, Ghana this week attending the USDA’s West Africa Agribusiness Trade Mission (ATM) to identify new market opportunities for U.S. soy.

U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Steve Censky led the USDA delegation in communicating the importance of bilateral, mutually beneficial trade between the U.S. and West African nations. The WISHH team met with interested buyers from Nigeria, Ghana and the Gambia to discuss how U.S. soy can contribute to business growth in the region.

The population of the continent of Africa is expected to double by 2050, creating a significant increase in demand for protein. U.S. soy plays a role in protein delivery both through the production of soy foods and animal feeds.

Since 2000, U.S. soybean farmers have committed to long-term market development in Africa through support of WISHH programming. WISHH looks forward to continuing to work with key stakeholders across the continent to deliver to the protein needs of a growing population.