
CAST Lays Foundation for Cambodian Aquaculture Association

Sep 05, 2019

ASA/WISHH CAST Cambodia Project Chief of Party Jim Hershey and Aquaculture Association Development lead Phirum Chet visit a pangasius fish farmer harvesting one of his ponds. The fish producer is excited about the growth potential in Cambodian aquaculture and is investing in expanding his farm.

As ASA/WISHH works to strengthen the growing freshwater aquaculture industry in Cambodia, both existing industry players and new investors show growing interest in this expanding sector.

ASA/WISHH’s Commercialization of Aquaculture for Sustainable Trade (CAST) project, funded by the USDA’s Food for Progress Program, is designed to accelerate production of high-demand fish species for the Cambodian market and develop a lasting aquaculture industry that recognizes the value of soy protein in feed.

Keys to accomplishing this development through technical assistance include private-sector led extension work and Cambodian-raised fish promotion, supported by a national industry association.

CAST Project Chief of Party Jim Hershey and Aquaculture Association Development lead Phirum Chet met with multiple aquaculture businesses this week to introduce the concept of the Cambodian Aquaculture Association.

A strong Cambodian Aquaculture Association will be a key player in the long term growth of a modern, intensive aquaculture industry.