
Collaboration is Currency for WISHH and its Strategic Partners

Jan 20, 2022

Ghanaian researcher Leticia Amoakoah Twum is working with WISHH's strategic partners on market research and a commercialization strategy for a soy-gari blend.

ASA’s Soybean Leadership Academy provides a training program for soy industry leaders, in addition to networking opportunities. One track focused on the theme "Race for Relevance in a Rapidly Changing Environment." Led by speaker and author Mary Byers, the executive leader track focused on tools associations can use to continue innovating and adapting to the changing environment. Byers pointed out that collaboration is a new form of currency. WISHH's strategic focus area of identifying and engaging in diversified strategic partnerships highlights the importance of collaboration.

One highlight is WISHH's ongoing work with Ghanaian research scientist Leticia Amoakoah Twum, who continues her research on a soy-gari blend's protein value and commercial viability in Africa. Amoakoah Twum worked with WISHH strategic partners on training and market research to beef up her product's commercialization strategy. Other program highlights include the continued momentum of the Ghana National Egg Campaign Secretariat and the growing strength of the Cambodian Aquaculturist Association (CAA) in Asia. The secretariat continues to push for the increased consumption of eggs in Ghana. Additionally, CAA boasts over 400 association members.

While both programs work to increase the need for soy as feed to fill gaps in the supply chain, they also highlight U.S. soybean growers' commitment to global food security.

These are just a few examples of how WISHH identifies and engages in diversified strategic partnerships- using collaboration as a currency within and outside the soy community to build long-term demand for U.S. soy.