
The Critical First 1,000 Days of Life: Be a Part of the Solution to Reducing Malnutrition

Apr 17, 2014


The World Soy Foundation works to reduce malnutrition around the world through the power of soy, but it’s important to understand that reducing malnutrition isn't as simple as just feeding people—it's about feeding people the RIGHT things.

In an article by Adrianna Logalbo, 1,000 Days Campaign Director, she describes the importance of the proper nutrition in the first 1,000 days of life—pregnancy to the child’s second birthday. Without adequate nutrition during this critical time, a person’s “intellectual development and lifelong health” is predestined to be less than it could be.

Logalbo also notes that malnutrition is responsible for nearly half of all childhood deaths, arguably being “this generation’s biggest public health concern, robbing children of their ability to grow, learn and thrive, and locking them into a cycle of hunger and poverty.” (Read full article here)

To hear malnutrition put into simple terms, and fully understand the effects it has on a child’s entire body and health, check out this short video by World Vision USA here.

The WSF believes in the power of soy to reduce malnutrition and that it can be a part of the solution. Soybeans have all three macro-nutrients for good nutrition, contain complete protein, and provide all the essential amino acids needed for human health. In addition to being nutritionally relevant, soy can come in various forms, making it an ideal addition to local foods! WSFDonate

To learn more about the Foundation, visit the website. We urge you to consider giving the gift of protein today by donating to our Acre Challenge Campaign—simply calculate the value of an acre of soybeans in your operation (yield multiplied by price). Make your donation by visiting or sending your check to: World Soy Foundation; 12125 Woodcrest Executive Drive, Suite 100; St. Louis, Mo. 63141.

The World Soy Foundation is a 501c3 charitable organization. Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.