Aug 11, 2016
2017 Leadership At Its Best Class
Soybean farmer-leaders met this week in Greensboro, N.C., for Part I of the 2016-17 American Soybean Association (ASA) Leadership At Its Best program, sponsored by Syngenta. This valuable program recognizes up-and-coming soybean farmer-leaders and provides them with extensive training to further develop their leadership skills and provide additional education on communication styles, strategic planning, forecasting, media training and business etiquette.
Kentucky farmer-leader Brent Gatton participates in a mock media interview during Leadership At Its Best.
At the beginning of the program, attendees had the chance to hear an update on ASA’s policy efforts from President Richard Wilkins (DE) and Vice President Ron Moore (IL). Later in the week, the group had a chance to visit Syngenta’s offices in Research Triangle Park and learn more about the company’s innovative approach to biotechnology, pest and weed control options and product safety. They also had the opportunity to visit Syngenta’s new Advanced Crop Lab and learn more about the research underway there. Portions of the training and social events were held jointly with the Leadership At Its Best class from the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), allowing an opportunity for participants to visit with NCGA farmer-leaders as well.
Farmer-leaders Casey Youngerman (left) and Brent Gatton discuss different leadership styles during the Leadership At Its Best program in North Carolina.
Leadership At Its Best Program participants are nominated by their state soybean association and serve in a leadership role within their states. This year’s class participants include: Craig Williams, Oaktown, IN; Morey Hill, Madrid, IA; Brent Gatton, Bremen, KY; Laurie Isley, Palmyra, MI; Howard Reyburn, Oxford, PA; Paul Dahlseng, Starbuck, MN; John Mark Looney, Leland, MS; Peter Rost, Jr., New Madrid, MO; Leon Dern, Firth, NE; Christopher Naylor, Clinton, NC; Scott Metzger, Williamsport, OH; Brandon Wipf, Huron, S.D.; and Casey Youngerman, Lexington, TN. The leaders will begin the second phase of their training next March, in conjunction with the ASA Board Meeting in Washington, D.C.
ASA appreciates the continued support provided by Syngenta that makes this important leadership development program possible. For more information on Leadership At Its Best, click here.