
Food Scientist Visits Myanmar to Talk Soy Drinks

May 26, 2016

Dr. Zach Liu meets with the Europe and Asia Commercial (EAC) staff.

Dr. Zach Liu meets with the Europe and Asia Commercial (EAC) staff.

Dr. Zach Liu, a food scientist with the Northern Crops Institute (NCI) in Fargo, N.D., spent a week in Myanmar (sometimes called Burma) meeting with food manufacturers and the trade industry to discuss using soy in beverages.

Liu met with the two companies that received soybean variety samples, provided by four Red River Valley exporters, suitable for manufacturing soymilk.

While in Myanmar, Liu presented on soy beverages at a Food Science and Technology Association (FOSTA) of Myanmar seminar. The seminar was organized by the American Soybean Association/World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (ASA/WISHH) and attended by 22 FOSTA members.

During his trip, Liu answered numerous questions on the concept of identity-preserved soybeans, proper soybean storage, processing methods and the required equipment to manufacture soy beverages.

The North Dakota Soybean Council provided the funding for Liu’s trip.