
GMO Labeling Bill Blocked in Senate

Mar 17, 2016

The Senate failed to end debate and move forward with the Biotech Labeling Solutions Act (S.2609) from Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts of Kansas on Wednesday. The cloture vote, which required a 60-vote majority to pass, fell short 48 to 49.

The American Soybean Association (ASA) views this as a temporary setback in a larger effort, and will need aid from Senate Democrats to construct and pass a bill after the Easter recess. ASA released a statement on the vote:

"We're certainly disappointed in the vote today and in this setback, but that's how we look at it: as a temporary detour in a larger effort. This is an extremely important conversation that we're having, and we think that we're close to a solution that helps the industry stay innovative while providing consumers the information they're looking for. Once Congress returns from the Easter break, we'll get back to work with leaders in the Senate and continue on the path to a compromise. We can't praise Chairman Roberts enough for his work on this issue, as well as our Democratic supporters for their help in the effort as well, and we hope to continue our partnership with them on this critical matter moving forward."

ASA thanks the directors, state-level leaders and staff in Washington for their work this week at the spring meeting, as well as every one of you that has made calls, sent emails and pressured your Senators on this issue. We will need that support and engagement as we move toward the finish line.