
McKalip Confirmation Crosses Finish Line Before Christmas

Dec 22, 2022

Washington, D.C. Dec. 22, 2022.  The U.S. Senate has delivered another Christmas gift to soy growers! Doug McKalip, President Biden’s nominee to serve as Chief Agricultural Negotiator for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, has been confirmed to the post. This, on the heels of the Senate’s Dec. 21 confirmation of Alexis Taylor as USDA’s Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs, is great news for agriculture.

“These two votes cap off months of advocacy by ASA and other agricultural groups to see McKalip and Taylor confirmed to key agricultural trade positions. Their responsibilities within those roles, and how they work with farmers to help us with trade, markets and more, are essential to our day-to-day jobs out on the farm—and touch every farm state in the country,” said Daryl Cates, ASA president and soybean farmer from Illinois.

ASA thanks the Senate for its work to confirm both McKalip and Taylor before the clock started over on the nomination process. Soy farmers and staff at ASA look forward to working with both of these qualified individuals as we advance U.S. soy in the global marketplace.