Sep 17, 2015
The National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization launched a new advocacy campaign called #SpeakAg on Sept. 1, 2015. Through the campaign, FFA members will be encouraged to improve their own knowledge of agriculture and sharing their stories of agriculture to their peers, community members and local officials. Educational content, recommendations for getting engaged and contests for members will be organized and promoted via #SpeakAg.
You can get involved by engaging in this FFA efforts and using your social media channels to share relevant content related to agriculture, including agriculture careers, facts about your organization, advocacy efforts, food, farmers and agriculturalists, issues facing agriculture, youth opportunities in agriculture, collaboration and community involvement.
To help make it easier for you, FFA has drafted some example posts, that you can customize based on facts about your organization. Please keep in mind that this is a social media campaign so using the #SpeakAg is critical.
The easiest way for you to engage is to simply include #SpeakAg in your already planned social media posts. FFA members are more active on Twitter and Instagram so use these outlets whenever possible. It’s a great way to support an exciting initiative to educate our next generation of agriculturalists about modern agriculture.