
Political Landscape: Election Year 2020

Dec 22, 2020

A special note of thanks to Virginia Houston for contributing content.

As we look back on 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world on its head, and that realignment extended to the world of political fundraising. Gone were the receptions, dinners, and one-on-one coffees with candidates where issues and topics were discussed in person. Virtual fundraisers took center stage in this election year.

Despite this shift, SoyPAC was effectively leveraged to maximize and strengthen relationships going into the 2020 election. Out of the 66 Republican and Democratic House and Senate candidates supported by SoyPAC in 2020, only two lost their races – that’s a 97% success rate! Unfortunately, those two defeated candidates were strong supporters of the soybean industry:  House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson (D-MN) and Rep. Abby Finkenauer (D-IA) will not be returning to Congress in January.

Given the interest of maintaining a political balance in the federal government, the SoyPAC Committee approved support for the two incumbents, Senator Kelly Loeffler and Senator David Perdue, in Senate runoff races in Georgia that will be determined January 5, 2021. The outcome of these races will determine control of the Senate and impact President-elect Biden’s nominees and policies that are put forth.

SoyPAC was also leveraged to support members in new or potential leadership positions of importance. On the Senate side, Sen. Pat Roberts will be succeeded as lead Republican on the Senate Agriculture Committee by Sen. John Boozman (AR). While Sen. Boozman is not up for reelection until 2022, SoyPAC has already leaned in to support him in his reelection campaign. On the House side, SoyPAC contribution funds were budgeted for Collin Peterson’s successor for the chairmanship, Rep. David Scott (GA), but these funds were not spent due to limited fundraising opportunities by this candidate. On the Republican side of the House Agriculture Committee, SoyPAC contributed to retiring Ranking Member Mike Conaway’s successor, Rep. G.T. Thompson (PA), as well as the other two candidates who were in the running for the leadership position.

A full list of bipartisan members supported by SoyPAC during the 2020 election cycle will soon be available on the updated SoyPAC website.

As we move into 2021, SoyPAC will serve as an important tool for building relationships with new candidates taking office andmany others returning to our nation’s capital. Your continued support of SoyPAC is an important investment in soybean growers’ political future and enhances ASA’s ability to effectively carry out our mission.

SoyPAC funds raised are for the benefit of political candidates and activities on a national level that support the soybean industry. Contributions to SoyPAC are voluntary and not tax-deductible. Participants have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any suggested amounts are suggestions only and not enforceable; more or less than the suggested amount may be given; the amount given by the contributor, or the refusal to give, will not benefit or disadvantage the person being solicited.