
WISHH Continues to Grow U.S. Soybean Market in Southeast Asia

Sep 26, 2019

File Photo: Trade teams visit U.S. exporters in 2018.

WISHH is working to strengthen the growing markets for U.S. soybeans in Myanmar and Cambodia.

In mid-September, WISHH Asia Division Director Alan F. Poock visited Myanmar and Cambodia to follow up with former trade team participants, including importers, local companies and trade associations. He also gathered ideas for the Fiscal Year 2021 Unified Export Strategy (UES), the annual funding application submitted to USDA.

WISHH has been active in Myanmar’s human food sector since 2014 and started its Cambodian program in 2016, focusing on both human foods and animal feed.

While in Malaysia, Poock attended the WorldFish Science Week, where WorldFish staff from 10 countries shared innovative ideas and research results on how to help aquaculture producers become more profitable.  WISHH has worked with WorldFish in Nigeria and Cambodia in the past and looks to further develop this relationship.

Funding for this trip was provided by USDA’s Foreign Market Development (FMD) program.