
WISHH Dialogues with USDA About Cambodian Aquaculture Opportunities

Jan 09, 2020

ASA/WISHH engaged with 14 USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) staff last week in Washington, D.C. during a briefing by Jim Hershey, chief of party for WISHH’s USDA-funded Commercialization of Aquaculture for Sustainable Trade (CAST) – Cambodia project.

The briefing allowed USDA staff to hear how WISHH is progressing on the project, as well as exchange ideas about how CAST aligns with other FAS and U.S.-government funded initiatives. FAS executed a staff reorganization in November 2019 so the briefing offered FAS team members with insights on how CAST relates to their new work assignments.

CAST is a USDA Food for Progress project designed to develop a lasting aquaculture industry in Cambodia. Cambodia’s GDP has increased by more than 7% per year since 2011, growing the demand for animal and aquaculture-sourced protein. The country’s aquaculture industry demand for soybean protein is projected to reach 100,000 metric tons per year by 2030.