
Pursuing Priorities

Jul 07, 2017

Next week ASA’s board of directors will be in Washington DC to continue pursuing soybean’s aggressive policy agenda with the administration and 115th Congress.

Chief on the agenda during hill visits is trade expansion, the upcoming farm bill, tax reform, biodiesel demand, regulations and infrastructure.

TRADE: Enhance U.S. trade relations with other countries, including NAFTA partners, China and Asia-Pacific counties, as well as increasing timeliness of biotechnology approvals in trading countries.

FARM BILL: Creation of a strong farm bill that will strengthen the farm safety net while increasing funding for trade development programs, conservation programs and agricultural research programs.

TAX REFORM: Ensure efforts take into account and reflect the unique nature of farm operations.

BIODIESEL: Extend the biodiesel tax incentive and seek optimal levels of RFS volumes.

REGULATIONS: Support efforts to improve pollinator habitats and oppose efforts to ban neonicotinoid crop protection products.

INFRASTRUCTURE: Promote upgrades to locks and dams, ports, harbors, railways and roads and continue to increase funding in annual Energy & Water appropriations bills for said infrastructure.

To see a full list of ASA’s legislative and regulatory priorities, click here.