Aug 17, 2017
Soy trade is vital to rural America’s economy, and developing countries who depend on soy offer long-term market opportunities, which is why ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health is working to not only promote trade but also rural development in countries like Pakistan, Ghana, El Salvador and Guatemala.
As these counties receive development opportunities and nutrition education, the need for trade, especially focusing on soy and soy based proteins becomes monumental, and the results of increased demand—a healthy rural economy and domestic jobs—is felt throughout the US countryside.
The USDA outlook released in February forecasts 2017 U.S. agricultural exports at $136 billion and strong global demand for oilseed crops, such as soybeans, is expected to generate sales of $31.6 billion.
Additionally, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Programs have played a key role in partnering with U.S. farmers for trade and development, which is why ASA supports doubling funding for market access programs in the next farm bill.
WISHH’s role as a trailblazer for trade is vital to this formula of trade and international development, and programs like MAP and FMD are essential to its continuation.
When trade is combined with WISHH’s international agricultural and economic development work it improves the lives of people abroad by providing safe supplies of affordable, high-quality nutritious foods and feeds as well as resources and nutrition education in developing countries and results in improved global nutrition, greater economic growth here and abroad and decreased risks of political instability.
To read about WISHH’s work in developing counties around the world, check out the latest issue of American Soybean Magazine.