News Releases

ASA/WISHH CAST Cambodia Partner Team Meets in St. Louis

May 9, 2019

ASA’s WISHH program hosted Cambodia-based staff and international subcontractors in St. Louis this week to plan the roll out of the ASA/WISHH USDA-funded Commercialization of Aquaculture for Sustainable Trade (CAST) activities for 2020-23. Present at ...


Trade War Only Getting Worse for Soy Farmers Fearful for their Future

May 7, 2019

In what could easily be described as “worst case” for America’s soybean growers, the Trump Administration has confirmed what the industry has feared for months: Heavier tariffs on Chinese goods are planned for Friday, May ...


Wendy Brannen and Abby Podkul Promoted Within American Soybean Association

May 2, 2019

The American Soybean Association (ASA) announces the promotion of two staff members in an organizational realignment aimed at elevating ASA’s success as the industry’s policy organization. Wendy Brannen, who has served as Director of Policy ...


Ask House Members to Sign on to Letter Extending Biodiesel Tax Credit

May 2, 2019

Please contact your Members of the House of Representatives and urge them to sign onto the biodiesel tax credit letter being circulated by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT).  Visit the Soy Action Center here.  Rep. Rosa ...


Ask House Members to Co-Sponsor the Biodiesel Tax Credit Extension Act of 2019

May 2, 2019

Please contact your Members of the House of Representatives and urge them to co-sponsor the Biodiesel Tax Credit Extension Act of 2019 (HR 2089) introduced by Rep. Abby Finkenauer (D-IA).  Visit the Soy Action Center ...

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