News Releases

ASA’s WISHH, USDA & Cambodian Government Launch CAST Strategic Partnership for Aquaculture

January 31, 2019

American Soybean Association (ASA) World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) leaders joined Cambodian and U.S. government officials and partners today in Phnom Penh to launch a strategic partnership that will grow trade and ...


ASA President’s Message—January 2019

January 30, 2019

Hello Soy Family, A new year always brings new challenges and new opportunities, and I believe this is especially true for the soybean industry. I am honored to be the new president of the American ...


Biodiesel Market in EU Opens for U.S. Soybeans

January 29, 2019

Conservation practices required for U.S. soybean production meet EU sustainability standards, and biodiesel produced from documented soybeans can now be used in the EU, the European Commission has formally announced. The EU requires biofuels to ...


Soy Leaders ‘Engage’ with Biodiesel Industry

January 24, 2019

Representatives from the soybean industry, including 11 ASA directors, attended the annual National Biodiesel Board (NBB) conference this week in San Diego, Calif., where over 800 attendees brought the conference “Engage” theme to life. ASA ...


Annual ASA Banquet Commodity Classic

January 24, 2019

The annual ASA Awards Banquet brings state affiliates and ASA members from across the country together to celebrate the accomplishments of soy leaders and their outstanding work to benefit U.S. soybean farmers and the entire ...

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