News Releases

Congrats #Beans4Monarchs Winners!

November 1, 2018

Three randomly-selected participants who shared their unique monarch/ monarch habitat pics on Facebook and Twitter have been selected from among almost 100 photo and video entries. Congratulations to our winners: Ryan Heineger, Iowa Sherri Melton, ...


Commodity Classic Announces Main Stage Line-Up for 2019

November 1, 2018

Some of the nation’s leading agriculture experts and well-known personalities will be featured on the Main Stage during the 2019 Commodity Classic held Thursday, Feb. 28 through Saturday, March 2 in Orlando, Fla. Once again, ...


Farm Bill Update

October 25, 2018

ASA has consistently called for a new five-year farm bill to provide certainty and long-term stability in farm support programs during this ongoing period of low crop prices and farm incomes – circumstances exacerbated by ...


U.S. Philippines Possible Free Trade Agreement

October 25, 2018

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and his Philippine counterpart announced this week that the two countries agreed to improve agricultural trade by working towards reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers. This is a possible first step ...


President Signs America’s Water Infrastructure Act/WRDA 2018 Into Law

October 25, 2018

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump signed into law America’s Water Infrastructure Act, which includes the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2018 that authorizes Corps of Engineers’ work on locks and dams, dredging and other ...

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