News Releases

WISHH Staff Follows Up, Discusses Future Collaboration in South East Asia

October 8, 2015

World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) Asian Division Director Alan F. Poock traveled to Myanmar, Cambodia and Thailand for trade servicing and other meetings last week. Poock spent four days in Myanmar, where ...


ASA Kudos this Week…

October 8, 2015

Kudos go to Hunter Grills, Newbern, Tenn., who spoke to a local first grade class about farming this month. Hunter discussed how farmers grow our food and the importance of hard work. Thanks for taking ...


American Soybean Association Welcomes Finalization of Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

October 5, 2015

Following news out of Atlanta that negotiators from the 12 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) nations have reached a final agreement, the American Soybean Association (ASA), which represents growers of the nation’s top agricultural export commodity, applauded ...


Congress Approves Reauthorization of U.S. Grain Standards Act

October 1, 2015

Congress passed a reauthorization bill this week that renews important provisions in the U.S. Grain Standards Act (USGSA). These include allowing the Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) to collect fees for export inspection and weighing ...


Positive Train Control Deadline Extension Needed to Keep Ag Shipments Moving By Rail

October 1, 2015

Transportation and Infrastructure Committee leaders this week introduced bipartisan legislation to extend the deadline for U.S. railroads to implement Positive Train Control (PTC) technology. PTC is a GPS-based train electronic system designed to prevent collisions ...

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