June 30, 2015
Are you using a reduced tillage practice on your farm such as conservation tillage, strip-till or no-till? Do you grow cover crops? Have you taken steps to reduce soil loss or improve water quality? These ...
June 29, 2015
Trade promotion authority (TPA) will soon help create and strengthen international trade agreements, opening valuable markets and providing an advantage for U.S. farmers. President Barack Obama signed TPA into law on Monday, June 29, 2015. ...
June 25, 2015
One of the American Soybean Association’s (ASA) goals is to expand our reach and engage with consumers and audiences we may not usually interact with—which is why on this week one ASA member ventured somewhere ...
The agriculture subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee recently released their draft spending bill for Fiscal Year 2016, which includes cuts to some Farm Bill Energy Title programs. The draft bill does not call for ...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a new report on climate change this week that predicts significant impacts to agriculture stemming from more frequent droughts and flooding, unless there is global action to reduce greenhouse ...