December 22, 2014
The 113th Congress has the dubious distinction of being the second-least productive in history, surpassed only by the 112th Congress. Gridlock between the Obama Administration, Senate Democrats, and House Republicans continued to bottle up nearly ...
Earlier last week, EPA announced that it will extend the submission period for comments on its analysis of the efficacy of neonicotinoid seed treatments on soybean yield by 30 days. The original comment period was ...
Information and photo courtesy of Iowa Soybean Association. More than 400 farmers, industry and political leaders and industry stakeholders gathered for the Iowa Soybean Association’s (ISA) 50th Anniversary Symposium & Banquet. The program held Dec. ...
The holidays are upon us, and all of us here at the World Soy Foundation (WSF) wish each and every one of you a very happy, blessed holiday season! Farmers like you provide the foundation ...
December 18, 2014
Mark your calendars now so you don’t miss the early registration deadline for the 20th Commodity Classic in Phoenix, Ariz. Feb. 26-28. The money-saving early bird registration ends Jan. 15, 2015. If you plan to ...