September 11, 2014
Railway issues, including shortage of cars, delays and the possible impact on farmers as a new crop harvest begins this season were high priorities in discussions on The Hill this week. As the backlog of ...
ASA Directors Bill Gordon and Kevin Scott headed to the BNSF Ag Rail Council meeting this week, where most of the morning discussion centered on historic basis levels for grains and whether the lack of ...
Prominent members of the U.S. food and agriculture community, including ASA, agreed to officially form a national coalition to address liberalizing trade between the United States and Cuba. The members of the coalition believe that ...
Seven names were drawn from a pool of 20 eligible ASA recruiters for participation in a Recruiter Reward Trip to Savannah, Ga. Nov. 18-21, 2014. The names drawn were: Mark Brown (MN), John Buck (OH), ...
Grower leaders headed to Fargo, N.D. this week to talk membership and soybean issues at the Big Iron show. The show features more than 900 booths, training sessions, demonstrations and opportunities for the agriculture industry ...