June 25, 2014
Greenwood, Del., farmer and American Soybean Association (ASA) Treasurer Richard Wilkins appeared on Capitol Hill today before the Senate Committee on Finance to testify about the importance of biotechnology to soybean farmers as the U.S. ...
June 19, 2014
On August 5, Missouri voters will decide on a constitutional amendment protecting farmers’ ability to raise crops and livestock today and into the future. The Missouri Soybean Association is currently working to raise awareness of ...
This week, the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) held its board meeting in Washington, D.C. In attendance were ASA and NBB board member Mike Cunningham, Ill., numerous state soybean association staff, ASA Washington representative and industry ...
This week in Washington, DC the U.S. biobased products sector was the subject of attention on several fronts. On Tuesday, June 17 the Senate Ag Committee held a hearing titled, “Grow it Here, Make it ...
On Wednesday, the House Appropriations Committee approved, by unanimous voice vote, the FY2015 Energy and Water appropriations bill that funds the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Civil Works program, with record-strong numbers reflecting the impact ...