April 10, 2014
The last U.S. patent covering the original Roundup Ready soybean trait expires in 2015. As U.S. farmers begin thinking about purchasing their soybean seed for 2014 planting, they have a new resource to answer their ...
As Congress and Federal regulatory agencies kick into high gear, ASA has joined diverse stakeholder groups in several coalition letters. ASA joined farm and commodity groups in letters to House and Senate tax-writing committees this ...
ASA Chairman Danny Murphy, CEO Steve Censky and NOPA President Tom Hammer met with the White House Domestic Policy Staff and FDA to discuss ASA’s concerns with the FDA’s proposal to withdraw Generally Regarded As ...
ASA recently joined several agriculture groups in signing on a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack praising previous efforts to expand market access with Japan, but seeking assurances ...
The American Soybean Association (ASA) emphasized the importance of addressing rail service issues and their negative impacts on soybean growers, at a public hearing before the Surface Transportation Board on Thursday. ASA Director Lance Peterson, ...