October 17, 2013
Along with other major farm groups, ASA has reached out in a letter this week to House leadership asking them to oppose any provisions in the upcoming farm bill conference that would impose adjusted gross ...
ASA over the weekend commended House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for naming the House’s contingent of farm bill conferees, and called on conferees from both the House and the ...
Late last night, President Barack Obama signed a bill passed by both the House and Senate to reopen the government until Jan. 15, and raise the debt ceiling until Feb. 7. The bills, each of ...
October 10, 2013
ASA’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) Program and the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) teamed to conduct a webinar that gave state soybean organizations the latest positive messaging on how U.S. soy sustainably ...
Calling all shutterbugs! From now until the end of the harvest season, we’ll post a photo of harvest progress around soybean nation. Kudos to this week’s that comes to us from Twitter user @Adam_Ramthun in ...