News Releases

WISHH Trainings Help Strategic Partner Adapt in a COVID-19 World

November 5, 2020

This year is unlike any other for WISHH and strategic partners like SESACO. Yet, the Ugandan customer of U.S. soy flour and other high-protein soy products is applying prior year’s trainings as well as WISHH’s ...


Economist’s Angle: Where Do Phase One Purchases Stand?

November 5, 2020

The United States and People’s Republic of China signed the Phase One economic and trade agreement Jan. 15, 2020. The two-year agreement covered a myriad of issues including intellectual property rights and currency rates. Two ...


Cambodian Aquaculturist Association Offers Flood Relief Support

October 29, 2020

The ASA/WISHH-supported Cambodian Aquaculturist Association (CAA) is working with hatcheries and other members with operations flooded by recent daily rain downpours. At least 10 CAA members are affected, with one member’s hatchery completely flooded. Widespread ...


Soy Growers Appreciate Dicamba to Remain Weed Control Option

October 27, 2020

Washington, D.C. Oct. 27, 2020.  The American Soybean Association (ASA) appreciates that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced it will reregister dicamba for 2021 and future use. The product is one of many tools ...


WISHH Training Expands Soy Flour Uses with Strategic Partner in World Food Day Video

October 22, 2020

WISHH’s latest training in West Africa opens opportunities for a strategic partner in Ghana to use soy flour to add protein-rich nutrition to a popular cassava-based food. In Africa, an estimated 70 million people are ...

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