News Releases

ASA Praises 57 Senators for Strong Response to WTO Concerns

June 27, 2006

ASA President In Geneva To Press on Negotiations The American Soybean Association (ASA) today applauded 57 Senators for sending a strongly worded letter to President George W. Bush making clear that their support for a ...


ASA Rallies Support for New Pro-Biodiesel Legislation

June 23, 2006

Renewable Fuels and Energy Independence Promotion Act Introduced The American Soybean Association (ASA) today applauded U.S. Representatives Kenny Hulshof (R-MO) and Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) and their cosponsors for introducing the Renewable Fuels and Energy Independence ...


ASA Prepares to Celebrate 50 Years in Japan

June 12, 2006

In 1956, United States soybean farmers set a course to explore and capture the value of a global marketplace. Today, the sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters of those pioneers are preparing to celebrate the ...


ASA Urges President Bush to Safeguard Interests of U.S. Producers in WTO Negotiations

June 1, 2006

The American Soybean Association (ASA) today expressed its concerns to President George W. Bush about the present situation in the Doha round World Trade Organization (WTO) agricultural negotiations. U.S. agriculture has strongly supported the Doha ...


ASA Calls EU Traceability & Labeling Review a Whitewash

May 10, 2006

On behalf of its 25,000 U.S. soybean producer-members, the American Soybean Association (ASA) is outraged by the conclusions adopted today by the European Commission on the trade impact European Union (EU) Traceability & Labeling laws ...

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