News Releases

DuPont and ASA Team Up To Promote Excellence and Leadership within Soybean Industry

October 20, 1999

DuPont Agricultural Enterprise and the American Soybean Association are teaming up once again to sponsor the 2000 ASA-DuPont Young Leader Program, and are seeking farmer applicants from around the country to participate in this exciting ...


Soybean Growers Testify in Support of Sustainable Fuels Bills to Promote Investment in New Environmentally Sound Uses of Soybeans

October 19, 1999

American Soybean Association (ASA) Chairman Mike Yost testified today in support of the National Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals of 1999 Act (H.R. 2827). During testimony before the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Risk Management, Research and ...


ASA Urges Government to Defend the Value of Biotechnology

October 7, 1999

American Soybean Association (ASA) President Marc Curtis today presented the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee with a list of suggestions on what the Federal government can do to strengthen the commercial environment for biotechnology crops and ...


Key Message Points Regarding Soybean Seedstock Derived Through Biotechnology

October 6, 1999

ONLY ONE BIOTECH BEAN: Only one biotech soybean was commercially grown in 1999. More than half of the soybean seedstock planted in the United States this year contained the Roundup Ready® gene event that makes ...


ASA Calls for Expanded Food Assistance Program to Russia

October 6, 1999

During testimony before the House Agriculture Committee today, American Soybean Association (ASA) President Marc Curtis called on Congress to support an expanded food aid program to Russia in FY-2000. Curtis urged immediate action on ASA’s ...

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