News Releases

WISHH Field Day Showcases Cambodia’s First In-Pond Aquaculture Raceway

August 6, 2020

WISHH’s recent field day, paired with expert technical assistance at Cambodia’s first in-pond aquaculture raceway, is providing Cambodian fish farmers, government officials and university staff with new insights on soy-based feeds and more. More than ...


Soybean Industry Birthplace Alive with Excitement as ASA Marks 100 Years

August 4, 2020

Aug. 4, 2020. St. Louis, MO. The American Soybean Association (ASA) has returned to its roots to celebrate a century of coordinated efforts and ensuing successes on behalf of U.S. soybean growers. With support from ...


WISHH Launches New ‘Explainer’ Video in Five Languages

July 30, 2020

Watch WISHH’s new ‘explainer’ video to see how strategic partnerships with WISHH capture the potential for economic progress with soy protein in nutritious foods as well as feeds for poultry, fish and more. WISHH is ...


ASA Officially Welcomes Staff Economist to the Team

July 23, 2020

Scott Gerlt joined the ASA team this week in the role of economist. Gerlt, who lives in Missouri, is based out of the ASA St. Louis office. Gerlt is highly regarded within agricultural economist circles ...


WISHH’s USB Initiative Builds on USDA-Funded Market Assessments in Africa

July 23, 2020

WISHH is leveraging insights from new USDA-supported market assessments to guide its USB-funded Mobilizing Entrepreneurs to Expand U.S. Soy Utilization in Developing and Emerging Markets initiative in Africa. USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) funds supported WISHH ...

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