News Releases

WISHH-Led Aquaculture Feed Development Builds Demand for U.S. Soy Protein

February 13, 2020

When visionary U.S. soybean growers founded WISHH 20 years ago, they anticipated the global trend of protein playing an essential role in human nutrition. Their vision also built an important foundation for WISHH’s work today, ...


African Poultry, Egg Farmers Gain Knowledge on U.S. Soy Advantage

February 6, 2020

WISHH supports growth of the local poultry and feed industries by connecting attendees with the necessary technical, financial and buying resources to grow their businesses. They recently hosted a trade team including a recent U.S. ...


Kunkler Hired to Manage ASA Biotech, Crop Protection Advocacy Efforts

February 6, 2020

Washington, D.C., Feb. 6, 2020. The American Soybean Association (ASA) is pleased to announce Kyle Kunkler will join ASA’s policy team Feb. 20 as director of government affairs, with a focus on the biotech and crop ...


Biotech Working Group Discusses Regulatory Updates and Trade

January 30, 2020

ASA’s Biotech Working Group (BWG) met Jan. 23-24, Washington, D.C., to discuss a wide range of issues impacting the biotech industry and farming. The meeting began with an update on the future of biotech and ...


2020 Syngenta Leadership At Its Best Program

January 30, 2020

(January 28,2020) – The 2020 Leadership At Its Best class began their training last week in Raleigh, North Carolina, before heading to Washington, D.C., for additional advocacy training and Hill visits. The Leadership At Its ...

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