News Releases

WISHH Begins Renovations on Aquaculture Training Facility in Cambodia

November 7, 2019

WISHH and project partners have broken ground on a new training facility for the CAST aquaculture project in Cambodia. Pond renovation began earlier this fall at the at the Royal University of Agriculture’s Fish Research ...


ASA WISHH Identifies New U.S. Soy Market Opportunities During USDA Trade Mission in West Africa

October 31, 2019

ASA/WISHH and USSEC staff are in Accra, Ghana this week attending the USDA’s West Africa Agribusiness Trade Mission (ATM) to identify new market opportunities for U.S. soy. U.S. Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Steve Censky led ...


Protein Plays an Essential Role in Global Nutrition

October 17, 2019

By 2050, the world population will reach an estimated 9 billion people, creating demand for protein that is much higher than it is today. To nourish society as a whole, U.S. soy, in concert with ...


Cambodian Feed Millers Learn to Manage Purchases as U.S. Soy Exports Increase

October 17, 2019

As Cambodian feed millers increase purchases of U.S. soybean meal, they’re looking for smarter ways to buy. In October, two representatives from a Cambodian feed mill attended the Northern Crops Institute (NCI) Soy Procurement course, ...


WISHH Builds Progress for Eggs and Poultry in Ghana

October 10, 2019

ASA/WISHH is recognizing progress in Ghana’s egg and poultry value chain during World Egg Day on Oct. 11. WISHH’s USDA-funded AMPLIFIES (Assist in the Management of Poultry and Layer Industries with Feed Improvement and Efficiency ...

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