News Releases

Soybean Growers Attend White House Event to Hear President on Trade

May 23, 2019

After months of hardships suffered as a result of the U.S.-China trade war, American soybean growers accepted an invitation from President Trump to hear his plan to support farmers as the tariff battle with China ...


Soybean Growers Appreciate Assistance for Now, Still Need Long Term Relief

May 23, 2019

The news from U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue of trade mitigation including, most importantly to soy, Market Facilitation Program (MFP) payments and Agricultural Trade Promotion (ATP) program funding, is news welcomed by soy growers ...


South African Processor Builds U.S. Soy Knowledge as Demand Grows

May 23, 2019

A South African processor continues to build on knowledge of incorporating U.S. soy in new soy-based food products. ASA/WISHH supported Bakiel Ben Shomriel’s participation this week at the Northern Crops Institute’s Soy-based Texturized Protein and ...


Soy Growers Look to USMCA

May 20, 2019

The American Soybean Association (ASA) welcomed news on Friday that leaders from the U.S., Mexico, and Canada reached a deal which would lift the Section 232 steel and aluminum tariffs, removing a major roadblock to ...


This Week in U.S. Soy Market Development

May 17, 2019

While several key U.S. trade relationships hang in the balance and tensions mount, USSEC is actively working to grow new markets for U.S. soy worldwide. Just this week, grower-leaders and partners participated in five events bringing together ...

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