News Releases

El Salvador Evaluates New U.S. Soy Recipes for School Meals

November 8, 2018

WISHH’s work in Central America and U.S.-based trainings have prompted El Salvador’s Ministry of Education and a non-governmental organization to evaluate three new recipes made with U.S. soy and corn for the country’s school meal ...


Midterms Over, Soy Looks to Future with Hopes of New Farm Bill

November 7, 2018

The polls are closed, the votes are in. No matter the final tally of D’s or R’s, the soybean industry is eager to work with the new Congress in January and, meantime, see the 115th ...


November President’s Message

November 5, 2018

Dear Soy Family, I hope this letter finds you after, or as you work through, a safe and successful harvest. I know it’s easy to get caught up in the politics of farming and to ...


ASA/WISHH Conducts Soy Food Activities in Sri Lanka

November 1, 2018

ASA/WISHH conducted several activities in Sri Lanka in late October to encourage the use of soy proteins in human food products. The activities, funded by USDA’s Emerging Markets Program (EMP), are helping U.S. companies increase ...


Petition Claims Biofuels are Driving Land Conversion in the U.S., Requests EPA Impose Documentation Requirements

November 1, 2018

Several environmental activist organizations filed a petition with the EPA calling for the agency to impose requirements tracking the origination of all biofuels feedstocks to ensure they are not derived from land cultivated after the ...

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