News Releases

WISHH M&E Officer Meets Local Staff, Stakeholders in Ghana

July 12, 2018

James Bernhardt, ASA/WISHH’s Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Officer for the AMPLIFIES Ghana poultry and feed value chain development project recently co-facilitated  a three-day Coordination Meeting in Kumasi/Ejisu, Ghana with a key implementing partner, Adventist Development ...


Commodity Classic Heads to Ag PhD Field Day

July 12, 2018

Commodity Classic will have a booth at the annual Ag PhD Field Day, held on the Hefty Farm in Baltic, S.D. American Soybean Association (ASA) Directors Wade Cowan and Brad Doyle will represent ASA in ...


Students Head to Capitol Hill for Ag Policy Education

July 12, 2018

A select group of 10 college students from nine different states completed the Ag Voices of the Future program this week in Washington, D.C. The program is sponsored by Valent USA and the American Soybean ...


Soy Growers Disappointed in Additional Tariffs, Continue to Seek Export Stability with Largest Customer

July 12, 2018

The American Soybean Association (ASA) this week expressed extreme disappointment in USTR’s announcement that an additional $200 billion in tariffs will be imposed on Chinese goods. The new list of goods will be subject to ...


After Months of Asking for an Alternative, Soy Farmers Hit by China Tariff

July 6, 2018

A soft farm market, already-declining prices, and now, China’s retaliation against President Trump’s 25 percent tariffs on $34 billion worth of Chinese goods, which took effect at midnight last night. Soybean farmers, whose crop represents ...

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