May 21, 2015
Earlier this week, the Senate passed a motion to move forward with debate on the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act, which would grant President Barack Obama trade promotion authority (TPA). The vote followed ...
As the Senate Committee of Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry prepared to mark-up reauthorization of the U.S. Grain Standards Act (USGSA) on May 21, the American Soybean Association (ASA) and other farm organizations met with staff ...
The House of Representatives passed a two month extension of the highway funding authorization earlier this week. The measure simply extends the current authority, which expires on May 31, through the end of July when the ...
Information provided by National Biodiesel Board news release. America’s advanced biofuel, biodiesel, is an alternative energy success story. It’s powering vehicles from coast to coast and replacing more than 1 billion gallons of petroleum every ...
The American Soybean Association’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (ASA/WISHH) sent an expert in the field of soy dairy analogues, to Nicaragua this month. José Demerutis provided technical assistance to Café Soluble, a ...