News Releases

Economist’s Angle: Where Do Phase One Purchases Stand?

November 5, 2020

The United States and People’s Republic of China signed the Phase One economic and trade agreement Jan. 15, 2020. The two-year agreement covered a myriad of issues including intellectual property rights and currency rates. Two ...


Economist’s Angle: A Deep Dive into Soybean CFAP2 Payments

October 1, 2020

  By Scott Gerlt • ASA Economist   On Sept. 17, the administration announced the second round of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP2) to help the agricultural sector sustain losses from the pandemic. Without ...


Senate Ag Committee Hearing

June 25, 2020

The Senate Ag Committee this week passed by unanimous consent the United States Grain Standards Reauthorization Act of 2020. Earlier this week, ASA and other ag groups sent a letter to Senate Ag Committee Chair ...


ASA’s WISHH Emerging Markets Trade Team Delivers U.S. Soy Protein Four-Point Message

January 21, 2020

St. Louis. Jan 21, 2020. U.S. soybean growers delivered four key soy protein messages to current and potential customers in Cambodia and Myanmar where protein demand is rapidly growing for aquaculture and livestock feeds as ...


WISHH Begins Renovations on Aquaculture Training Facility in Cambodia

November 7, 2019

WISHH and project partners have broken ground on a new training facility for the CAST aquaculture project in Cambodia. Pond renovation began earlier this fall at the at the Royal University of Agriculture’s Fish Research ...

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